Collision Service of Green carries an A+ Rating

BBB Accredited Businesses are businesses and firms which meet tough accreditation standards, agree to follow the highest principles of business ethics and voluntary self-regulation, and have accepted an invitation from us to join.


BBB Accredited Businesses are subject to the same scrutiny we give all businesses. Staunchly neutral, we provide reports on a business’ general background and consumer complaint history, if any. These reports cover accredited and non-accredited  businesses alike.

Collision Service of Green carries an A Rating
Angie's List members submit more than 60,000 reviews every month about the companies they hire. They include incredible details about how the project went (including cost), and grade the company's response time, price, professionalism and quality of work -- good or bad -- on an A to F scale. Angie's List members will tell you if a crew was conscious of children and pets, cleaned up after themselves or just totally botched the job.

Gold Class Professionals® Business Recognition

The Gold Class® recognition is the highest role-relevant training achievement recognized by the collision repair industry. It is estimated that only 20% of repair shops currently meet the rigorous Gold Class standard. The I-CAR Professional Development Program™ provides collision repair and insurance businesses with a reliable training framework for acquiring Gold Class and maintaining the up-to-date knowledge and skills that contribute to proper repairs, improved business performance and risk reduction.

A "technical tsunami" is approaching for the collision repair industry. By 2016, more than 200 new vehicles and redesigns will debut, many with new lightweight vehicle materials and advanced safety systems that will change the nature of collision repairs. Up-to-date training is becoming increasingly important for consumer safety and business survival. The I-CAR Gold Class® program prepares your business to meet the challenges of this ongoing technological change.


To earn the Gold Class recognition, businesses must achieve and maintain a high level of role-relevant training across each of the major collision repair roles. This is measured by achievement and maintenance of Platinum™ recognition, earned through I-CAR training, by designated Role Reps at your facility.


To maintain Gold Class, an organization must continue to develop the knowledge and skills of its staff to advanced levels by progressing its Role Reps through the ProLevels® of I-CAR's Professional Development Program™. By becoming Gold Class, you demonstrate to your customers, your staff and the industry that your business is committed to the highest standards of professionalism.

Northfield Collision Service

10266 Northfield Rd. • Northfield, Ohio 44067

(330) 467-3555  /  (330) 650-3555

Fax: (330) 650-3554

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